Friday, March 29, 2013

Spring Break Reading Fun

Over the break, read different articles in the Time For Kids magazine, and make comments on your ideas about the text.  Use one of the following prompts to guide your writing.  Extra Credit Points will be given for each response.  Make sure that you include the title and the author of the article in order to receive credit.  Happy Reading:)

My opinion about this article was _______________.
The main idea of this article was _____________________.
One new vocabulary word that I learned was __________________.
The purpose of this article was ______________.
I'm still wondering about ___________________________.


  1. I read a articale about safty on electronic devices by Kelli plasket. the main idea was about how to stay safe on the internet. My opinion about this articale was I think it was helpful. the purpose of this article was to help kids stay safe on the internet.

  2. I read "The Presidant Takes a Trip". A new vocabulary word I learned was priority. It means the most important or first thing to do.

  3. I read "Monkey Business". The main idea of this story is that monkeys like kind and helpful people more than unkind not hepful people

  4. I read "BEHIND THE MUSIC" By: Suzanne Zimbler. The main idea was about how a lady named JoAnn Falletta became a female conductor. When she was a little girl it was very rare to find a female conductor. JoAnn set a goal for her self she wanted to become a conductor, and she did.

  5. I read "The Pope Steps Down" By: no one. The purpose of this article is to tell you that Pope Benedict XVI is retiring on February 28. Benedict is the first Pope to retire in 600 years!

  6. I read "Mars Meets Earth" By: Anonymous. The main idea was about scientist researching Mars-like desert in Utah. The two scientist had to wear special space suits and carry air supply packs while researching the desert. There were similar things and different things compared to Mars and Utah.

  7. I read, "Beyond the Bubble" By: Brenda Iasevoli. A new vocabulary word I learned was rote. Rote means "mechanical, or learned by repetition.

  8. sonjay and crag is a new show nick . crag is a snake that stretch as long as he wants . sonjay is a boy . and crag is his best friend . by jahmiere

  9. hi its Jordyn. am reading a book called Belle Praters Boy. and im on chapter twenty one. in chapter twenty one a girl named gypsy is reading nancy drew and her cousin woodrow knocks on the window and he says lets go on a adventure and so they did.

  10. Hello, I am reading letters From Rifka, I Just Finished Chapter 1. In this Chapter Rifka a twelve year old girl with her family is escaping Russia's Brutal treatment of the Jews for a new life in America. This book is put in a letter form because Rifka is writing letters to her cousin Tovah about her adventure.

  11. Hello Again, I am still reading Letters For Rifka by:Karen Hesse. Now I am on Chapter 2. Now in Rifka's Adventure they are all in Poland. When they get of the Train doctors need to examine them. So Rifka and her Mother have to take off there clothes and be washed with this spray. Now they CAN ENTER Poland.

  12. Today I read an Artical called an amazing journey it is a great thing to read and filled with facts

  13. Noha Read -A- Thon =)May 30, 2013 at 10:47 AM

    Today I read about Dorothy's Ruby Slippers. The Ruby slippers were from the 1939 MGM The Wizard Of Oz. This movie was about Friendship and triumph over evildoers.

  14. I am Reading an passage called Teachers on Strike because of this strike schools a forced to close and parents need to find child care.
