Friday, March 29, 2013

Spring Break Reading Fun

Over the break, read different articles in the Time For Kids magazine, and make comments on your ideas about the text.  Use one of the following prompts to guide your writing.  Extra Credit Points will be given for each response.  Make sure that you include the title and the author of the article in order to receive credit.  Happy Reading:)

My opinion about this article was _______________.
The main idea of this article was _____________________.
One new vocabulary word that I learned was __________________.
The purpose of this article was ______________.
I'm still wondering about ___________________________.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Main Idea Section 1 Response

Reading Task - Summarize what you have read in a short paragraph. (4 - 5 Sentences)  The purpose of your paragraph is to inform your classmates about the most important elements of the section.  Write a summary that will also INTEREST your classmates.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Summarizing Non-Fiction High Interest Articles

In class, we discussed the meaning and importance of summarizing.  A summary is a brief statement that explains the "big picture" of a passage or story.  A summary supports the entire passage including the beginning, middle, and end.

Task:  Read a TIME magazine article and write a summary that shows me and your classmates that you have mastered the art of writing a summary.  Write the title and author of the article, and keep the article in your reading file so that you can teach the class a short lesson on summarizing with your work.