Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Chapter 7 - Where are we on the "Incredible Journey"?

Hi Cardinal Readers!  Don't forget to use your study guide resources to respond to the text.  How would you describe the plot in Chapter 7?  Has the tone of the story changed at all?  What are your predictions and are they confirmed throughout the text.  Keep up the good work!

Chapter 6 Comments

Attention Cardinal Reading Group!

I'm so glad to see that everyone is engaged in an online discussion about our text.  Make sure that your comments are detailed and well written.  Explain the piece of text that you are referring to specifically. Try to avoid thin statements that only scratch the surface of the text.  What surprised in Chapter 6?  How are the characters evolving and changing?  I'm looking forward to seeing your comments improve in this particular chapter.  Take time to reflect and respond.