Friday, April 12, 2013

Identifying the Purpose of Text Features and Outlining the Main Idea

Hey Woody Readers,

I found out about this amazing site called, "DOGO NEWS".   Click on the link to go to the website. Read the task below and I'll look forward to reading your response.

1) Choose an article that really interest you.
2) Read it thoroughly while thinking about the main idea and supporting details.
3) In the comment section write the following items: Title and Author of the Article, description of a text feature, and how the text feature helped you better understand the text.
4) Go to Inspiration and create a main idea and supporting details graphic organizer with at least four supporting details.
5) You will present your findings to the class on Fridays.
6) Enjoy Reading and Have Fun!!!!!!!!



  1. The name of the article I read was "Swimming Pigs Live ..." The text feature that helped me better understand the text was the first picture of the pig swimming. It was the first image, and it helped create a better prediction and activate my background knowledge while adding more clear visualization of the upcoming text.

  2. I read "Minecraft as a..." by Meera Dolasia. A text feature was a video trailer of Minecraft. the video helped me understand Minecraft and what you do on it.

  3. The article I read was "Minecraft As A mandatory subject in school?" By Meera Dolasia. The text feature that better help me understand was the pictures. In this article the picture gave me a better understanding of how they would use Minecraft (an app/video game)as a subject in school

  4. I read a article named "minecraft as a..." by Meera Dolasia. I picked this article because i have this game and i like it. The first thing I saw was a picture of the minecraft land that helped me learn what the article was going to be about. kids in swedean are playing minecraft at school the teachers said the were using their imagination to create 3d structors.

  5. I read "Camera Snaps 3-Dimensional Falling Snowflakes" By: Meera Dolasia. The title helped me better understand the main idea because the words "Hi-Tech Camera, 3-Dimensianal, pictures, and Snowflakes". It helped me visualize a 3-Dimensional snowflake up close.

  6. I read "Minecraft as a Mandatory..." by Meera Dolasia. A text feature that helped me was the third image. It helped me visulize the game

  7. I read "Otzi the iceman should have..." by Meera Dolasia. A text feature that helped was a digoram of his teeth showing decay and other dental problems.

  8. the name of the article i read was "Georgia Boys Help Save Infant's life With CPR Lessons Learned from A poster" By: Meera Dolasia a text feature that helped was the poster that the boys looked at to know CPR.

  9. I read an article called "2010 doodle 4 Google" by Meera Dolasia. A text feature that helped me better understand the text was the pictures with all those different Google designs it helped me see how cool this contest really is.

  10. "I read Vietnam's Dragon Bridge Actual Breathes Out Fire" By: Meere Dolasia. The second picture with caption under it helps me understand the main idea. The picture shows the Dragon breathing fire and the caption told me where it was located, how long was it, goes to great places, and also shoots out water.

  11. What i read was "First Dog Goes"...By Meera Dolasia.
    What helped me better understand it was the first picture of a dog with five Easter eggs.

  12. i read an article called hunger games... by june liu. this article was about how everyone is infected with the hunger games fever. the pictures helped me better understand.

  13. The article I read was "Olympic fan pedaled across 16 countries..." by Bradley Smart. The text feature that helped me better understand was the bolded words, some of the words I didn't understand so I could click on one than could get the definition.

  14. I read "The Purr-fect Way to Show Off Your Pet Cat". It tells you about an interactive website where you can post your cat's picture on a map of where you live. The picture of the cats on the map helped me better understand the article.

  15. I read Minecraft as a mandotory by Meera Dolisia It was about how in Sweenden Minecraft is a subject! a text feature that helped me was the 2nd picture because it showed one of the worlds a student was building

  16. I read Minecraft as a Mandotory by Meera Dolisia . one thing that helped me was the traler and the second pic

  17. The article I read was "Hi-tech floor transforms..." by Meera Dolasia. The main title heading was the text feature that helped me better understand by giving me the main idea of the article before I started reading it.

  18. What i read was "Bee Movie" by Meera Dolasia. What helped me understand was the way it was describing the detail of the movie and all its main idea

  19. I read "Vote For Your Favorite "Google Doodle"" By: Meere Dolasia. The Main Idea is about doodling google and somebody would win. The picture helped me because it showed me pictures of what kids made from the google sign that are creative.

  20. sorry the Anonymous is Kayla

  21. i read "Boo Mania Sweeps Over America (And The World)!"
    a text feature that helped me was the first picture because is showed me what boo looked like
