Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Making an Inference

1.  Find a passage in your book gives evidence for a specific character trait.

2.  Use this comprehension strategy - "It says... I say... and So...

3.  "It Says"  Write something that you read in the book.

4.  "I say" Explain your background knowledge about this piece in the text.

5.  Write your conclusion...
What does this tell you that the character is feeling ....
What does this tell about the character's personality ...


  1. Pg. 45
    It says, "Dear Mamadou, First of all, I think we should both just write in English to keep things simple..." Greg is supposed to be writing in French, but instead he does the opposite to prove a point.

    I say that people who make a joke out of a situation are sarcastic.

    So, Greg is sarcastic.

  2. Pg. 78
    It says, "I wish that would have just fessed up right away because that fib totally backfired on me..." Greg's mom wrote about him lying in the newspaper.

    I say, when something backfires on you that means that you regret it. When you regret something and have to face the consequences, it makes you feel embarrassed and nervous.

    So, Greg is feeling embarrassed and nervous.

  3. IT SAYS
    "Maybe he could swing the stall door into the mans face"
    I SAY
    Jonah must be extreme if he swings the stall door into the mans face
    AND SO
    Jonah is Extreme
